App Updates:
Android: Native: 3.1.2, JS: 3.1.4
iOS: Native: 3.1.2, JS: 3.1.4
There have been no updates to the app in the past two weeks.
Website Updates:
Booking via the Kura portal for Observers and Passengers:
Observers and passengers now have two options when booking through the Kura portal: Route Select and Address Search.
Route select can be used where the observer or passenger knows the name of the route that they wish to book. Address search can be used to find an appropriate route, based on their required origin and destination locations.
Route Select is the default option. The default start date is current date. This can be changed by typing the required date or by selecting the calendar icon and selecting the required date from the calendar presented:
Once the start date has been selected, the observer or passenger can select a route by name from the drop-down box:
Once a route is chosen, the required boarding and disembarking locations can be selected from the boarding and disembarking waypoint drop-downs. The 'next' button can then be selected to proceed:
Alternatively, observers or passengers can use Address Search to find a suitable route based on their origin and destination locations.
The default start date is current date but this can be changed by typing the required date or by selecting the calendar icon and selecting the required date from the calendar presented:
A required origin and destination can be entered to search for suitable routes. Origin and destination can be searched by street address, postcode, an organisation configured building name or points of interest. The search results will include suggestions with a similar name, location or configured building:
Once origin and destination are entered, if there are routes that include stops within a 5 mile radius of the locations entered, these will be returned in a list:
If no routes are returned, as there are no routes that include stops within a 5 mile radius of the origin and destination, an error will display:
All stops for a route, as well as scheduled start and end time, can be viewed by selecting the route name. The origin and destination locations will be highlighted on the map; in pink for boarding and blue for disembarking, to show stop location in relation to the search criteria entered:
Once the observer or passenger have selected the route that should be booked, they can 'Select Stops':
The stops suggested in the journey summary are recommended based on proximity to the origin and destination selected:
If they wish to select a different boarding and/or disembarking stop on the route, they can select the edit button for boarding or disembarking:
This will open a list of boarding or disembarking locations for the route. They can select the required boarding or disembarking location by selecting the stop name in the list or by selecting the numbered marker on the map:
This will update the stops selected in the 'Your Journey' section and they can select the 'Next' button when they wish to proceed:
They can then enter the end date for the booking, by typing the required date or by selecting the calendar icon and selecting the required date from the calendar presented:
They can also select the repeat interval; every weekday, every weekend, every day or custom schedule:
Custom schedule allows them to select required repeat interval and days of travel:
They can select any dates that should be excluded from the booking, by selecting these from the exclusion date calendar:
Once they have selected next, if your organisation has booking terms and conditions configured in default settings and the observer or passenger are booking for the first time, or your organisation has new saved new terms and conditions, they will be asked to confirm that they have read and agreed these. They can view the terms and conditions document by selecting the 'terms and conditions' hyperlink. This will open the document in a new tab.
Once they have submitted their request, they will see a booking request summary, with the organisation or passenger details, the route, boarding and disembarking locations and schedule information:
If they have previously agreed terms and conditions they can click on the 'terms and conditions' link to view the document:
If there are trips that cannot be booked, unavailable trip dates and reasons will be listed:
If your organisation has pricing enabled, and the booking incurs a cost, observers and passengers will see a payment breakdown showing trip cost, discount reduction and description and any tax charged:
If your organisation uses payment and offers instalments, the passenger or observer can choose to pay in full or pay in instalments. Where cost cannot be split evenly over the instalment period, the elevated first month charge and subsequent month charges will be displayed. Where the cost can be split evenly across instalment period the equal charge per month will be displayed:
Once they have selected to pay in full or pay in instalments, the checkout will open so that credit or debit card details can entered and payment submitted:
If your organisation doesn't offer instalments or the booking cost doesn't meet the minimum booking cost required for instalments to be offered, the checkout will open immediately as the passenger or observer can only pay in full:
If your organisation doesn't have pricing enabled or the booking doesn't incur a cost, observers or passengers will see a 'confirm' button. When this is selected the booking will be made:
When a booking is confirmed, a success message will be displayed and the observer or passenger can either select the 'New Booking' button to proceed with another booking or the 'View Schedule' button to return to their schedule:
If the booking request doesn't satisfy the minimum purchase in default or override settings they will see an error at booking request. They can select the 'New Booking' button to proceed with another booking or the 'View Schedule' button to return to their schedule:
If they cancel a booking request they will see a spinner whilst the bookings reservations are cancelled and a confirmation message once this is complete. They can select the 'New Booking' button to proceed with another booking or the 'View Schedule' button to return to their schedule:
If, in default and override route settings bookable by is set to none, or your organisation is connect level, and passengers or observers select the 'Make a Booking' button in their schedule, they will see a message to explain that no routes are bookable, as they do not have permission to make bookings:
Payment Organisations - Apple and Google Pay for Observers and Passengers:
If you wish to allow observers and passengers to use Apple or Google pay when making a booking via the Kura portal, this can be set-up in your Stripe account.
To activate Apple and Google Pay, go to settings in your Stripe account:
Select payments:
Select the 'payment method domains' tab:
Select the 'Add a new domain' button:
This will open a side panel where the Kura domain can be added. Please add as the domain and then select the 'save and continue' button:
You will see that the domain has been successfully added and enabled:
To check that Apple and Google pay are active for your account, select the 'Payment methods' tab:
Google and Apple pay can be found in the 'Wallets' section. If these are not marked as active, then you can select the 'Turn on' button to activate:
When an observer or passenger make a booking that requires payment, and they have Apple or Google pay set-up, they will be presented with options to pay using these methods.
Google Pay will display as below:
Once selected the observer or passenger can confirm the card that they wish to pay with and select 'Pay':
Apple Pay will display as below:
Once selected the observer or passenger can confirm the card that they wish to pay with:
Edit Profile - Email already in use:
Where a profile personal information section is edited and an email address that is already used for a profile in the organisation is added, when save is attempted, an error message will be displayed: