App Updates:
Android: Native: 3.1.2, JS: 3.1.4
iOS: Native: 3.1.2, JS: 3.1.4
There have been no updates to the app in the past two weeks.
Website Updates:
Safeguarding Organisations - Admin Bookings:
There are now two options available to admins or Kura ops users when making a passenger booking; Route Select and Address Search.
The new booking request form can be accessed via navigation:
Alternatively, new booking can also be accessed via a route card by selecting the 'Passengers' button and 'Add a passenger':
When New Booking is opened, Route Select is the default option. To make a booking, the start date required should be entered so that available routes and waypoints are returned for the required date. The start date default is today but this can be changed by typing the required date or by selecting the calendar icon and selecting the required date from the calendar presented:
Once the start date has been selected, you can search for a route by name by typing in the input box. This returns a list of routes matching the criteria entered:
Once you have selected a route, you can select the required boarding and disembarking locations from the boarding and disembarking waypoint drop-downs and select the next button:
If a booking is made by selecting the Passengers button on a route card, the route will be pre-selected in the route select page:
Alternatively, you can select Address Search, to search for an appropriate route based on origin and destination locations. To make a booking, the start date required should be entered so that available routes and waypoints are returned for the required date. The start date default is today but this can be changed by typing the required date or by selecting the calendar icon and selecting the required date from the calendar presented.
Enter a required origin and destination to identify appropriate routes. Origin and destination can be searched by postcode, street address, known stop names or points of interest. This will return waypoints that have been set-up in waypoints manager and suggestions with a similar name or location:
Once origin and destination are entered, if there are routes that include stops within a 5 mile radius of the locations entered, these will be returned in a list:
If no routes are returned, as there are no routes that include stops within a 5 mile radius of the origin and destination, an error will display:
You can view all stops for a route and scheduled start and end time, by selecting the route name. The entered origin and destination locations will be highlighted on the map; in pink for boarding and blue for disembarking, to show stop location in relation to the search criteria entered:
Once you have identified the route that should be booked, you can 'Select Stops'. The stops in the journey summary are recommended based on the stops closest to the origin and destination selected:
If you wish to select a different boarding and/or disembarking stop on the route, you can select the edit button for boarding or disembarking:
This will open the list of boarding or disembarking locations for the route. You can select the required boarding or disembarking location by selecting the stop name in the list or by selecting the numbered marker on the map:
This will update the summary in the Your Journey section and you can select the 'Next' button when you wish to proceed:
You can then enter the end date for the booking, by typing the required date or by selecting the calendar icon and selecting the required date from the calendar presented, select the repeat interval and open the exclusion calendar to select any dates that should be excluded from the booking:
You will then be asked to select the passenger that you are booking on behalf of:
If your organisation has payment enabled you will also be asked to enter the customer email address before submitting the request, as a receipt will be sent to the email address provided once booking is complete, if payment is taken.
Once you have selected a passenger, you will see a list containing the name(s) of the passenger and any of their observers, where their profiles contain an email address. Once you have selected the person you are making the booking on behalf of the booking request can be submitted:
If the person you are booking on behalf of doesn't have an email address in their profile or they wish to provide a different email address you can select 'other' to enter this:
If there is no email address in the passenger's profile and they have no observers, you will be prompted to enter an email address before proceeding:
As an admin you will see a booking request summary, with the passenger details, the route and boarding and disembarking location and schedule information. If your organisation has pricing enabled, and the booking incurs a cost, you will see payment details breakdown.
If there are trips that cannot be booked, unavailable trip dates and reasons will be listed:
If you choose to cancel the request you will see confirmation of the cancellation.
If your organisation doesn't have payment enabled, you will see a confirm button. When this is selected the booking will be made.
If your organisation uses payment, you will see a 'Proceed to pay' button:
If your organisation has payment enabled and the booking request incurs a cost, you will see payment details containing cost, any discount applied, any tax percentage and amount applied and the total.
If you don't wish to take payment at the time of booking, the 'Pay now' slider should remain off. If no payment is taken, please be aware that an email won't be sent to the address provided, as there is no receipt generated. If you select confirm the booking will be placed with no payment taken:
If you wish to take payment at the time of booking the Stripe checkout will open so that card information can be entered. When the Confirm button is selected, payment will be processed:
In you linked Stripe account the payment will be displayed with as a 'Guest' payment, with the email address of the passenger and a receipt will be sent to the email address provided:
In the Kura portal, when a booking is confirmed, you will see a message confirming the booking and can select the 'Reset' button to make another booking:
If your booking request doesn't satisfy the minimum purchase in default or override settings you will see an error at booking request. You can select the reset button to proceed with another booking:
If you cancel a booking request you will see that the booking request is being cancelled and a confirmation message once this is complete. You can select the reset button to proceed with another booking:
Safeguarding and Unify Organisations - Bulk Maintenance - Upload and Replace:
When uploading an append or replace file via Bulk Maintenance the latest version of Flatfile is now used. All review and file processing tasks remain the same but the UI/UX has been updated. The file types accepted are csv and xlsx as normal.
Upload Append and Replace can be found via Profiles and Bulk Maintenance as normal, for safeguarding and unify organisations:
When you select the upload type that you would like; append or replace, a page will display where you can load your file:
You can load your file by dragging and dropping the file into the sheet:
Or you can select the add file button to browse to the file location:
Once you have dragged in or selected the file that you wish to load, you will see that the file is being extracted:
Once this process is complete, you will see a success message:
For files in xlsx format that have multiple worksheets containing data, you will be asked to select the sheet that you wish to load data from. Data will be imported to Profiles, so please select 'Profiles' as the destination for import and then the 'Continue' button to proceed:
For csv, or xlsx with a single worksheet, you will skip the worksheet selection step and will be taken directly to the mapping screen. The mapping between incoming fields and destination fields will be applied automatically where column headers match expected destination field names. A preview of the incoming data can be viewed by hovering over the incoming field:
Where mappings have not automatically been identified, you can select the appropriate mapping by selecting the destination field from the drop-down:
Please review mappings to ensure that they are correct before proceeding. Once you have reviewed and applied mappings, you can select the 'Continue' button:
You will then be able to preview the data, with any invalid records highlighted. If you hover over an invalid record highlighted in red, this will give a rejection reason:
You can filter the view using the filter bar at the top of the screen, to show invalid records only. You can also filter by error type if you wish:
File upload will be blocked, as the upload profile button is not accessible, until the invalid records have been corrected. Although you can correct the records within the preview, we recommend cancelling the upload, by returning to another navigation menu item, and correcting the records within the file before proceeding so that the file contains the correct master data.
Once you have uploaded a corrected file, following the steps above, and all records are valid, the 'Upload Profiles' button can be selected:
As the file processes, you will a status bar:
Once a file has successfully processed, you will be taken to the profile screen so that you can review the profiles:
In the event that there is an error loading the file, for example, where the 5000 passenger limit is exceeded, you will see an error description at the top right of the screen:
Wonde Organisations - Bulk Maintenance - Token Replace:
For organisations that use Wonde, as profiles are maintained via Wonde, it is only possible to add, edit or remove tokens from profiles via token replace:
When loading a file you will be able to add your csv or xlsx format file by selecting the 'Add file' button and browsing to the file location or by dragging and dropping the file to the sheet presented:
Once you have dragged in or selected the file that you wish to load, you will see that the file is being extracted:
You will then be presented with a mapping screen. The mapping between incoming fields and destination fields will be applied automatically where column headers match expected destination field names. A preview of the incoming data can be viewed by hovering over the incoming field. Please review mappings to ensure that they are correct before proceeding. Once you have reviewed and applied mappings, you can select the 'Continue' button:
You will then be able to preview the data, with any invalid records highlighted. If all records are valid you can select the 'Update Tokens' button to process the file:
As the file processes, you will a status bar:
Once a file has successfully processed, you will be taken to the profile screen so that you can review the profiles: