App Updates:
Android: Native: 3.1.2, JS: 3.1.3
iOS: Native: 3.1.2, JS: 3.1.3
Driver App - Tapping the disembarking list in quick succession:
If a driver manually boards or disembarks passengers by tapping a passenger boarding or disembarking list icon in quick succession, this may lead to the driver tapping a passenger boarding or disembarking icon twice, within 1 second, before it is removed from the list. On occasions where this occurred, this caused the all events table to show two boarding or disembarking events for affected passengers. This has now been resolved and passengers will only have one boarding or disembarking event where their boarding or disembarking icon was selected multiple times before it had the opportunity to be removed from the list.
Website Updates:
Notification configuration:
The notification configuration has been improved so that the default message shown for the audience selected will include only the variable shortcode that is accepted for the audience. For example, where a late or early notification is configured and the audience contains observer groups only, the shortcode {{{passengerName}}} will be included in the message:
Where a late or early notification is configured and the audience contains observer and passenger groups, the shortcode {{{routeName}}} will be included in the message:
When configuring notifications, the late trigger type will display as default when a new notification is added. This can be changed by selecting the required trigger type from the trigger type dropdown.
For Kura Ops users only, when configuring alarms for an organisation, the late trigger type will also be presented as default when a new alarm is added. This can be changed by selecting the required trigger type from the trigger type dropdown.
Bulk Maintenance - Confirm Organisation (Kura Ops Only):
When accessing bulk maintenance and selecting to upload an append or replace file, Kura Ops users will be prompted to confirm the organisation name before loading the file:
The organisation name must be typed as copy and paste cannot be used. Letters will be auto-uppercased and the entry needs to an exact match, including any characters, for the submit button to be accessible:
Once the submit button is selected the file can be loaded as normal.